Premanition (Prema Rezwan), is a Bangladeshi Canadian singer, producer, writer, visual artist, voice over actor, and electrical engineer. She was originally trained in classical music and opera, then one day decided to pick up a guitar and write sad and angsty songs. This sent her on a journey to reveal the deepest emotions from her experiences and all that she observed and learned over the years.
She creates atmospheres with her creativity and is a craftsperson at heart. Through her artwork and writing, she likes to explore themes of everyday life as well as profound questions about finding meaning in our existence. She released her debut album, Head Games - a five song acoustic EP in 2019 and she released her first electropop single, Sleep Talking, in 2020 where she also dipped her toes into directing and videography.
Currently, she is working on her most ambitious project yet, a full length electropop concept album with a corresponding novel about love, tragedy, adventure and finding oneself despite adversity. This mixed media story will unfold in a series of music videos, songs, poems and photographs over this year. Premanition is a storyteller by nature and this project will be the culmination of her passion and skill.