Hey foks!
Buckle up cuz we’ve got some great events coming up!

Jan 20 (7:00 till ?): Beat Convergence 4: Synth Jam Edition. Join us in Anthony’s jam space for a night of synth show & tell, wrapping up with a good, old-fashioned jam! All are welcome! (synth or no synth!)
Jan 27 (7:00 till 11:00): Congress presents: Oscill8 Collective. This will be a night of soothing ambient sounds. line up: 8pm Lokey, 9pm j.Alpinist, and 10pm Dream As One, MC'd by Beki Albahari

(We are really excited about this one!) We are putting the final touches on a mini-conference Feb 24 at a very unique location in central Calgary! We’ve got an amazing headliner & will be putting on a workshop in the afternoon. Think AEM Con in it’s infancy! Stay tuned for more details!